Our Theology

What We Profess

As part of a historic “main-line” protestant denomination, we have inherited a whole Book of Confessions that guide our Reformed interpretation of the bible.  We’re fully on-board with the Presbyterian Church (USA)’s presentation of our faith, even if we might disagree from time to time on policy statements that come out of its national headquarters.  If you are interested in the Book of Confessions , we recommend you start with the most recent theology statement from 1983:  A Brief Statement of Faith .  C-67  is another of our favorites, and we like the Belhar Confession from South Africa even though it didn’t make the cut.  This statement further expresses our belief that God tends to side with the oppressed, the downtrodden, and the vulnerable.

Don’t want to read these statements?  Here’s a summary of themes of the reformed tradition as expressed in The Book of Order, which is the second part of our denomination’s constitution (F2.05):

  • The election of the people of God for service as well as for salvation;

  • Covenant life marked by a disciplined concern for order in the church according to the Word of God;

  • A faithful stewardship that shuns ostentation and seeks proper use of the gifts of God’s creation; and

  • The recognition of the human tendency to idolatry and tyranny, which calls the people of God to work for the transformation of society by seeking justice and living in obedience to the Word of God.

You might disagree with one or more of these themes.  Fortunately we also believe that Christ alone is Lord of the conscience—that “there are truths and forms to which people of good characters and principles may differ”(F-3.0105).  Which means that you don’t have to agree with us to be a part of our community.  You just have to want to “Seek the Beloved Community through the liberating love of Jesus” and to put up with those who might go about it differently.